Monday, May 22, 2017

Week of May 22-26

Hello everyone,

Our year is almost over! Please make sure you are caught up on any late work, especially reading logs. Remember, last week (May 15-19) was the last week of required Independent Reading. You need to check out a book from the Brooklyn or New York Public Library, either in person or by using the app. See me at lunch or after school if you need help! Due on June 5th.

For 2nd and 6th periods, here is an example of a rubric from another student who did a great job.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Reading Logs due. Complete questions 1-10 from "A Mink of One's Own."

Homework: Study for tomorrow's multiple choice quiz. It will be on a fiction text.

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Reading Logs and rubrics due. Review rubrics and make revisions if necessary.

Homework: Choose one section of your project to bring in for a peer review on Wednesday.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Multiple choice quiz on a fiction text.

Homework: Get a library card for the Brooklyn or New York public libraries! If you have one, check out a book!

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Project work time. Conference with Ms. Atwill: What do you need to do to have a full draft done by the end of this week?

Homework: Choose one section of your project to bring in for a peer review.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Review questions on yesterday's quiz, and complete quiz corrections for extra credit. Answer questions 11-15 on "In The Wild."

Homework: Extra Credit: Quiz corrections for “An Uncomfortable Bed” due next Thursday. Start to study for Multiple Choice Final Exam next Thursday and Friday!

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Peer Review of projects.

Homework: Make revisions to your project based on your peer review. Complete draft due on Tuesday, update your calendars!


Classwork: Answer questions 1-6 from "The Pit Ponies."

Homework: Extra Credit: Quiz corrections for “An Uncomfortable Bed” due next Thursday. Start to study for Multiple Choice Final Exam next Thursday and Friday!

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Peer Review of projects.

Homework: Update your project calendar and complete any remaining work to have a full draft by Tuesday.


Monday, May 15, 2017

Week of May 15-19

Hi Everyone! For those of you in periods 2 and 6 who want to see a sample proposal, you can take a look at this one here. This isn't necessarily the way yours needs to look, but yours should be at least as detailed. If your project changes after you write the proposal, that's fine! You will explain what you changed and why in the reflection.

If you need to see a copy of a blank rubric, click here. Remember, you only need to fill in the Level 4 column!


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Read and answer multiple choice questions for "The First Public Park."

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one Writing Strategy from your book. Multiple Choice Quiz tomorrow, be on time!

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Determine what steps you need to complete first to start your project, and what steps can only be completed after other work has been completed. Use this information to create your project calendar.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one Writing Strategy from your book.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Multiple Choice Quiz

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one Writing Strategy from your book.

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Write and complete your goal for the day, based on your project calendar.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one Writing Strategy from your book.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Go over yesterday's quiz. Begin working on multiple choice strategies with fiction texts. Questions 1-7 from "The Peerless Four."

Extra Credit: Quiz corrections! You can earn back up to half of the points you missed on Tuesday's quiz. For each question you missed, write a paragraph about what mistake you made, or what information you missed that would help you get the correct answer next time, and why the correct answer is the best choice. Corrections due Friday.

Homework: Complete questions 1-7 from "The Peerless Four."

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Write and complete your goal for the day, based on your project calendar.

Homework: Write 1/2 page: What specific skills and content should your project be assessed on? What will mastery of that skill look like for your project?


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Review "The Peerless Four." Work on questions 15-21 from "The Car."

Homework: Finish questions 15-21 from "The Car." Extra Credit quiz corrects due tomorrow!

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Use examples to create a rubric for your project, with a minimum of four skills assessed. Your rubric must assess Audience and Conventions.

Homework: Finish your rubric. Must be typed and emailed to by Monday, May 22nd.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Review questions from "The Car." Work on questions 1-10 from "Neverwhere."

Homework: Finish questions 1-10 from "Neverwhere," and 10 pages of Independent Reading and one response. Reading logs due Monday!

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Project work time. Conference with Ms. Atwill on your rubric and your plan to have a complete draft of your project completed by the end of next week.

Homework: Finish your rubric. Must be typed and emailed to by Monday, May 22nd. Reading Logs due on Monday. Complete any weekend project goals!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Week of May 8-12

Welcome to the final marking period of the year! This is a very short marking period, only five weeks long, so it's extremely important to stay on top of all of your work and not fall behind.

All of your teachers are available during office hours (4th period) on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so please take advantage of that opportunity to check in to make sure you are on track.


Periods 1 and 7:

Classwork: Watch the film Henrietta Lacks. Take KWL notes and discuss topics from the story that you are interested in learning more about, as well as topics that are complex and do not have a clear answer. These topics will help you generate Socratic Seminar discussion questions.

Homework: Write two Socratic Seminar discussion questions based on issues from the Henrietta Lacks story.

Periods 5 and 6:

Classwork: No class (Community Meeting)

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and one response on a writing strategy from your book.

Period 2:

Classwork: Begin working on your Final Project. Receive the instructions and the calendar. Brainstorm potential project ideas with your classmates.

Homework: Narrow down your brainstormed list to 3-5 potential projects.


Periods 1 and 7:

Classwork: Write down your classmates' Socratic Seminar discussion questions, and have a mini Socratic Seminar on the discussion questions we have created, as well as any topics that arise during our discussion.

Homework: Write ½ page on what you learned from your classmates in today’s discussion.

Period 2:

Classwork: Analyze your Rhetorical Analysis essay feedback from your teacher and your peers. Do you agree with all of it? Select one paragraph to revise to a Level 9.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one Writing Strategy from you book. Your revised body paragraph is due Monday!

Period 5:

Classwork: Watch the film Henrietta Lacks. Take KWL notes and discuss topics from the story that you are interested in learning more about, as well as topics that are complex and do not have a clear answer. These topics will help you generate Socratic Seminar discussion questions.

Homework: Write two Socratic Seminar discussion questions based on issues from the Henrietta Lacks story.

Period 6:

Classwork: Begin working on your Final Project. Receive the instructions and the calendar. Brainstorm potential project ideas with your classmates.

Homework: Narrow down your brainstormed list to 3-5 potential projects.


Periods 1 and 7:

Classwork: Review strategies to handle unfamiliar words and answer multiple choice questions. Complete questions 15-20 in the multiple choice packet.

Homework: Answer questions 21-24 in your multiple choice packet, and 10 pages of Independent Reading and one response.

Period 5:

Classwork: Write down your classmates' Socratic Seminar discussion questions, and have a mini Socratic Seminar on the discussion questions we have created, as well as any topics that arise during our discussion.

Homework: Write ½ page on what you learned from your classmates in today’s discussion.

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Work on drafting proposals for the final project.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading and one response on a Writing Strategy from your book.


Period 1:

Classwork: Review strategies to handle unfamiliar words and answer multiple choice questions. Complete questions 15-24 in the new multiple choice packet.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading and one response.

Period 5:

Classwork: No class (Community Meeting)

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and one response on a writing strategy from your book.

Period 7:

Classwork: Review strategies to handle unfamiliar words and answer multiple choice questions. Complete questions 15-20 in the multiple choice packet.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and one response on a writing strategy from your book.

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Continue drafting proposals for the Final Project. Share your draft with a classmate and evaluate what you need to include.

Homework: Finish your proposals for the final project, due at the start of class tomorrow.


Periods 1 and 5:

Classwork: Questions 15-24 in new Multiple Choice packet. Multiple choice quiz on Tuesday!

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and one response on a writing strategy from your book. (Reading Logs due Monday)

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Final Project proposals due. Revise a body paragraph of your choice from your Chavez Rhetorical Analysis essay to a Level 9.

Homework: Revised body paragraphs from Rhetorical Analysis essays due Monday, and if Ms. Atwill asked for a proposal revision, complete it by Monday as well. Reading Logs for this week are also due Monday!

Period 7:

Classwork: Questions 1-7 in new Multiple Choice packet. Multiple choice quiz on Tuesday!

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and one response on a writing strategy from your book. (Reading Logs due Monday)

Monday, May 1, 2017

Week of May 1-5

Hello everyone!

This is the final week of the marking period, so please make sure you are up to date on all of your assignments. If you need to work on anything, please see me during lunch or after school, or send me an email at

Need extra credit? Bring a homemade dish from your culture to share at Spring Unity after school on Friday! You need to show me the dish in class to get the credit.


1st, 5th and 7th periods

Classwork: Read an example body paragraph from a high level argument essay. Choose one body paragraph from your argument essay to revise for your final project grade for the marking period.

Homework: Revise your selected body paragraph, due on Wednesday. This is your final project for the marking period.

2nd and 6th period

Classwork: Review the scoring guidelines for a Rhetorical Analysis essay. Work with a partner to identify what you need to revise on your draft.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one writing strategy from your book. Your final drafts of your Rhetorical Analysis essays are due Friday, plan ahead!


1st, 5th and 7th periods:

Classwork: Watch the movie of Henrietta Lacks. Add to your KWL charts: What do you understand better now that you've seen the movie? What new questions do you have?

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one writing strategy from your book. Your revised body paragraphs from your argument essay are due tomorrow.

2nd and 6th periods:

Classwork: Work with a partner to revise your Rhetorical Analysis essay draft.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one writing strategy from your book. Your final drafts of your Rhetorical Analysis essays are due Friday, plan ahead!


1st, 5th and 7th periods:

Classwork: Continue watching the movie of Henrietta Lacks. Add to your KWL charts: What do you understand better now that you've seen the movie? What new questions do you have?

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one writing strategy from your book.

2nd and 6th periods:

Classwork: Work with a partner to revise your Rhetorical Analysis essay draft.

Homework: Continue revising your Rhetorical Analysis essay draft.


1st, 5th and 7th periods:

Classwork: Continue watching the movie of Henrietta Lacks. Add to your KWL charts: What do you understand better now that you've seen the movie? What new questions do you have?

Homework: Write 1/2 page: What have you learned from watching the movie that you didn't learn from the book? What Central Ideas do you find to be the most important now?

2nd and 6th periods:

Classwork: Work with a partner to revise your Rhetorical Analysis essay draft.

Homework: Finish your final draft of your Chavez Rhetorical Analysis essay, due tomorrow in class or emailed to by the start of class.


1st, 5th and 7th periods:

Classwork: Continue watching the movie of Henrietta Lacks. Add to your KWL charts: What do you understand better now that you've seen the movie? What new questions do you have?

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one writing strategy from your book. Reading Logs  and any late work for the marking period due Monday!

2nd and 6th periods:

Classwork: Peer assessment of essays.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one writing strategy from your book. Reading Logs  and any late work for the marking period due Monday!