Monday, May 15, 2017

Week of May 15-19

Hi Everyone! For those of you in periods 2 and 6 who want to see a sample proposal, you can take a look at this one here. This isn't necessarily the way yours needs to look, but yours should be at least as detailed. If your project changes after you write the proposal, that's fine! You will explain what you changed and why in the reflection.

If you need to see a copy of a blank rubric, click here. Remember, you only need to fill in the Level 4 column!


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Read and answer multiple choice questions for "The First Public Park."

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one Writing Strategy from your book. Multiple Choice Quiz tomorrow, be on time!

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Determine what steps you need to complete first to start your project, and what steps can only be completed after other work has been completed. Use this information to create your project calendar.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one Writing Strategy from your book.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Multiple Choice Quiz

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one Writing Strategy from your book.

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Write and complete your goal for the day, based on your project calendar.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and write a response on one Writing Strategy from your book.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Go over yesterday's quiz. Begin working on multiple choice strategies with fiction texts. Questions 1-7 from "The Peerless Four."

Extra Credit: Quiz corrections! You can earn back up to half of the points you missed on Tuesday's quiz. For each question you missed, write a paragraph about what mistake you made, or what information you missed that would help you get the correct answer next time, and why the correct answer is the best choice. Corrections due Friday.

Homework: Complete questions 1-7 from "The Peerless Four."

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Write and complete your goal for the day, based on your project calendar.

Homework: Write 1/2 page: What specific skills and content should your project be assessed on? What will mastery of that skill look like for your project?


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Review "The Peerless Four." Work on questions 15-21 from "The Car."

Homework: Finish questions 15-21 from "The Car." Extra Credit quiz corrects due tomorrow!

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Use examples to create a rubric for your project, with a minimum of four skills assessed. Your rubric must assess Audience and Conventions.

Homework: Finish your rubric. Must be typed and emailed to by Monday, May 22nd.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Review questions from "The Car." Work on questions 1-10 from "Neverwhere."

Homework: Finish questions 1-10 from "Neverwhere," and 10 pages of Independent Reading and one response. Reading logs due Monday!

Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: Project work time. Conference with Ms. Atwill on your rubric and your plan to have a complete draft of your project completed by the end of next week.

Homework: Finish your rubric. Must be typed and emailed to by Monday, May 22nd. Reading Logs due on Monday. Complete any weekend project goals!

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