Monday, March 27, 2017

Week of March 27-31

Hi everyone! A new extra credit opportunity is now available. (You can already get extra credit by doing extra Independent Reading or by giving a Book Talk when you finish a book you'd like to recommend to the class.) From now on, if you apply to any of the scholarships, special programs, or writing contests that I have posted in my room, you will receive extra credit when you show me the application! I can also help you with the applications to increase your chances of getting accepted.

Let me know if you have any questions.

-Ms. Atwill


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Identify Skloot's main point in p. 32-34 of Henrietta Lacks. (You must get consent before performing risky experiments on humans.) Evaluate the evidence she uses to prove her claim by determining if it is both relevant (related to the topic) and sufficient (strong enough to support the claim.)

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, and one response on a writing strategy from your book. Quiz tomorrow on p. 31-35, bring your text and your notes!
Periods 2 and 6:

Classwork: First draft of Argument Essays due. Work on developing stronger analysis of your evidence by using any of the following:
-Discuss why the evidence is important to the debate
-Consider points of view other than my own
-Discuss the implications of the evidence and the issue within modern society

Use the Quadrant Technique to develop your evidence.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, plus one response on a Writing Strategy from your book. If you do not have well developed analysis in your essay, revise your body paragraphs! Final draft due on Thursday.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Quiz on evaluating the claims in p. 31-35 of Henrietta Lacks.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, plus one response on a Writing Strategy from your book.

Periods 2 and 6: 

Classwork: Evaluate the persuasiveness of your argument and your use of appeals to Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Use the Writing Effective Arguments worksheet to evaluate your argument and see what you need to add.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, plus one response on a Writing Strategy from your book. If you do not have effective arguments in your essay, revise! Final draft due on Thursday.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Read p. 42-44 in Henrietta Lacks, add to our KWL charts.

Homework: Research one question from your KWL charts. Write what you learned and your source in the “L” column next to the question.

Periods 2 and 6: 

Classwork: Deconstruct and evaluate sample argument essays.

Homework: Finish your final draft of your argument essay, due tomorrow in class or emailed to


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Read p. 42-46 of Henrietta Lacks, and identify and evaluate the claims made by the Lacks family based on the evidence given in p. 44-46.

Homework: Read p. 47-48 of Henrietta Lacks. Write ½ p: How are the Lacks family’s claims in this section supported by the evidence from p. 42-46? If you didn't do last night's homework of researching one question and writing down the answer you found and the source, please do that tonight as well!

Periods 2 and 6: 

Classwork:  Break down prompt for tomorrow's exam, and brainstorm ideas and create an outline. We paraphrased his characterization of America like this: It seems impractical for Americans to be united, because they come from all different backgrounds, but because their system of government is built on the rights of man, everyone is equal. Poor people and rich people have equal rights, and there is no reason for people to fight.

Homework: Study for your exam tomorrow! You will have the entire class period to write your argument essay. You will not be able to use any notes, so make sure you study your outline carefully! Final Draft of Argument Essay on disobedience is now due on Monday. Use the Sample Essay (Which received a Level 7) and the Rubric to help revise your essay to make sure you get a good score.


Periods 1, 5 and 7:

Classwork: Read p. 49-54 of Henrietta Lacks. Add to our KWL charts.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, plus one response on a Writing Strategy from your book. (Reading Logs Due Monday)

Periods 2 and 6: 

Classwork: Argument Essay Exam.

Homework: 10 pages of Independent Reading, plus one response on a Writing Strategy from your book. (Reading Logs Due Monday)

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